exponential order

英 [ˌekspəˈnenʃl ˈɔːdə(r)] 美 [ˌekspəˈnenʃl ˈɔːrdər]




  1. It was also found that the tracer concentration decayed with distance in a larger negative exponential order for the upwind direction than that for the downwind direction.
  2. It turns the calculation complexity from the order of exponential to the order of polynomial by the use of shared diagram and so on.
  3. Information system have collected magnanimous amount of data during the past years, and this data is growing by exponential order.
  4. The difference in physical parameters between the Marshall-Palmer exponential distribution function and gamma distribution function determined becomes greater when the order of moment increases.
  5. The exponential reduced-order observers for Nonlinear Systems
  6. The second order neural networks have faster convergence rate than the ordinary neural networks. Global exponential stability of equilibrium point for a class of second order Hopfield type neural networks is discussed by the Lyapunov method. Some criteria for global exponential stability of equilibrium point are obtained.
  7. Nonlinear directly estimating formula for exponential curve which, through fixed point, was derived, by using first order approximation of Taylor expansion.
  8. Within different life distribution classes, we discuss characterization of exponential distributions based on moment properties of order statistics or spacing.
  9. In this paper, we study the asymptotically optimality and convergence rates of empirical Bayes estimation for parameters of continuous one parameters exponential families where the estimators of density function and its first order derivative are the general kn-nearest neighbor estimators.
  10. The motion of plunger of oleo damper excited by colored Gaussian noise with exponential correlation time is governed by first order nonlinear differential equation.
  11. The exponential matrix is discomposed in order to avoid non-convergence in solving directly the transfer matrix differential equations.
  12. Exponential Stabilization of Second-order Switched Systems
  13. Based on this integrator, log compressing and exponential expanding circuit, a passive simulation method for higher order filters is given systematically.
  14. The exponential function is revised in order to overcome the demerit because the method of load transfer neglects the continuity of soil.
  15. Analysis of global exponential stability of second order neural networks
  16. Globally exponential stability and equilibrium points for second order continuous Hopfield neural networks
  17. Estimation of Damped Exponential Model Using Fourth Order Mixed Cumulants
  18. Experiments show: the kinetics of luminescence delay is well described by an exponential function with a single time constant, lifetime is on the order of ms;
  19. It puts forward a kind of new pattern of risky measure, and applies the multiple exponential smoothing Measure of order 3 forecasting model to the rational expected estimations of profit rate and speculative risk.
  20. There exists critical exponential regularity in order parameter of systems near critical points.
  21. Finally, we point out that the above asymptotic properties of the program of sequential confidence intervals based on moment estimates are not restricted by the family of exponential distributions, while it requires finite moments with high order.
  22. In the paper, several computation formulae of the exponential growth order of a class of C 0-semigroups are proved in Banach space. The results extend the related results given in
  23. In column experiment the salt release flux from different sediment can be expressed as a negative exponential function and decrease in the order of silty clay, medium-fine sand and pelitic silt.
  24. The results obtained show that, under certain conditions, the exponential stability of time-invariant and time delay systems with lower order implies that the trivial solution of the corresponding time-delay and time varying large scale systems with impulsive effects is globally exponentially stable.
  25. Through complexity analysis and simulation, we find that the proposed algorithm can achieve nearly the same throughput performance as the exponential order dimension approach, but with reduced complexity. 2.
  26. The ability of the information technology production and collection data obtained the large scale enhancement. All levels of government departments and organizations developed tens of thousands of databases, the data grew by exponential order, and the data type also became more and more complex.
  27. The results indicated that, the impact fatigue life decreased in exponential order with increasing of impact energy and experiment temperature.
  28. The exponential equation is used in master getting system in order to develop hero growth curve individually with a slowing down growth rate.
  29. Main results are as follows: 1. By constructing appropriate nonlinear control functions, the exponential anti-synchronization between integer order Lu chaotic system and integer order Liu chaotic system is achieved. 2.
  30. In recent years, along with the vigorous development of Internet, the amount of information increases sharply as well as the literature quantity assumes the exponential order to grow.